
That’s how I feel.

Still fighting allergies.  Couldn’t be a cold coming on, as I’m sure it would have been here by now.

Not to mention, I got clobbered on the forehead Friday.  I saw a few stars- that’s how hard I got hit.  Felt like I was going to barf afterward.  Caught me dead on my “Harry Potter scar” from the wreck 10 years ago.  Still slightly swelled & hurts to touch, so putting make-up on is tons of fun & quite the verbal act.  Oh-ouch-dammit-hell-shit-ouch-oh shit-oh shit-ouch-dammit!

No bruise, no black eye, so no chance to say “You should see the other guy”…it just hurts & *I* know it’s there.

Made some tasty supper tonight though with a couple of pounds of venison tenderloin.  Trying to decide what to have tomorrow.  Supposed to be cool & stormy (I hate stormy).  Maybe inspiration will strike soon.

Y’all have a Happy Monday!