Play That Funky Play White Girl

Figured this would be better on its own page, instead of randomly adding parts here and there as I get around to them.

To answer a few questions about it-

Yes, it was my first play ever.
Yes, it was a hilarious amount of fun.
Yes, I plan to do it again and hopefully soon.
Yes, it was a ton of lines. Over 100 pages. I memorized every line except the part with Manolo/Jesus/Florence only.
No, my nose didn’t itch. Every time you see my rub my nose/drop my head, I was prompting someone else.
Yes, I was more nervous than a longtailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Yes, I forgot my own lines once or twice.
Yes, my parents came and watched. They even seemed to enjoy it.
No, I have no interest in directing.
The hardest part of the whole thing was the wardrobe changes. I had less than 2 minutes for all of them.
And finally, yes, that’s my damned red bra in the background.

Any other questions, I’ll be happy to answer.

Parts 4 & 5

Parts 6, 7, 9 & 10

Intermission! FINALLY! It’s gonna be a few days until I get Act 2 up. It’s not near as long. 😉


Parts 1-6

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: After Only Near a Year- « Snig’s Spot
  2. misperception
    Jun 07, 2008 @ 13:14:42

    This looks hilarious! You were great! *hugs* I’m so glad you posted these.

  3. snigsspot
    Jun 07, 2008 @ 13:42:12

    Glad you’ve enjoyed it Ms P and thanks a million!

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