Cell phones

While cell phones may increase safety in a way, I’ve grown to despise the things.

I’m sick of dodging idiots on the road who are so damned attached to their gizmos that they cannot drive safely.

Let me make this clear- NOBODY is that good that they can drive and page through endless phonebook entries or text.

If you do it and haven’t wrecked yet, you’re damned lucky.

Anyway, I think everybody should watch this.  And what Alaina says about it says it all.

Politics, politics, politics

For whatever reason, our school district didn’t show the Obama Speech that many are up in arms about today.

According to a letter they sent home Friday, they’ll be showing it tomorrow. If anyone objected to their child seeing it, they were to write a letter stating so.

My letter read as follows:

To Whom It May Concern,

My child, ________ , may or may not watch the video of Pres. Obama speaking. My child is of sound mind and is at an age where he or she can use his or her own judgment as to what politics to “swallow”.

Personally, if the delivered speech is the same as what I read, I have no problem with my child watching it. Although attempts at convincing teens and preteens, especially in this day and age, that “personal responsibility is paramount” results in the same outcome as attempting to nail Jell-o to a tree, it is a message worth repeating.

Should my child decide he/she does not want to watch this, I expect him/her to sit quietly reading a book, sketching or with his/her head upon the desk, so that children who do want to watch can do so without distraction. However, I do not expect my child to be ostracized as a result of his/her choice to not partake of this occasion.

It boils down to this- I don’t care if my kid watches or doesn’t and I don’t expect any hassle about it one way or the other. No grades should be tied to it. If my kid watches it and says it’s marvelous, fine. If he/she says it’s a bunch of hooey, fine.

Snigs, Mother of 2

I do find it rather hard to swallow that the man who wants to make the minority responsible for the majority is preaching personal responsibility, but I’ve grown to expect such from politicians.