Ok, I smiled

Happy now? 😛

Textually Speaking

Someone texted the wrong number today and they got ME.

The “conversation” went like this:

THEM: Is you comin thro pilocm?

ME:  Repita, por favor.

THEM:  <blank text>

ME:  WTF??


ME:  What is thro pilocm?  King of the Typos, we are.

THEM:  Is you comin hear?

ME:  Is you crazy? Why da hell would I want to?  PS You HEAR with your EAR.  I guess you meant HERE like there, but closer.


ME:  Dude, no witty reply?  Mama drop you on your head again?


ME:  Man, they were right, you ain’t too bright, which is why I ain’t coming over there tonight.


Two hours later…

ME:  Can I still come over?


ME:  You know how to tell if someone from _______ (their town) is bisexual?  They got a sheep under one arm & a chicken under the other.

STILL nothing.

Dammit, they won’t play anymore.


Um, hello?

At the theater last night & this dude waves at me.

I sorta wave back, literally thinking, “Who the hell is that?”.

Then, I realize THAT’S MY KID!

Fine mother I am. >.<

(He’s Mr. Charlie Change in a theatrical spin-off made up of all the big names in mystery theater.  The Girl is playing Agent 98…10 points for you if you can remember who her character is a spin off of!)



Someone shared this from Mike Huckabee’s facebook page today-

Does “self-defense” extend to defending your children? It does in Texas. Details next…In the town of Shiner, Texas, a 47-year-old ranch worker named Jesus Mora Flores was spotted forcibly carrying the ranch owner’s five-year-old daughter into the woods. Someone told her dad, who rushed to the scene and caught Flores half-naked and holding his screaming little girl down. The dad pulled Flores off and punched him in the head several times before calling 911. The recording of the call showed that he was distraught and hadn’t meant to kill Flores, but he did die from the beating. It sparked a big debate. Some people wanted the dad prosecuted, calling his actions “abominable.” But the town rallied in support. Now, it’s official. A grand jury declined to indict him. They say under the law, deadly force is justified to stop a sexual assault. So if you value your life in Texas, you keep your hands off other people – and their children.

Pardon me, but when did this even become a questionable issue?  Mess with my kid & you can go ahead & call it premeditated.  I won’t NOT mean to kill you. 

End of story.


Can be hard.

Here recently, I decided after 26 years of the same basic hairdo, it was time for something new. 

Now, over the 26 years, there has been a variation in length, but never shorter than my chin.

Hell, in the last 38 years, it has never been shorter than my chin!

Today it is shorter than my chin.

Pictures will be posted when I take some I’m satisfied with.

Can You Hear Me Now Part Deux

Spent 4 hours in the ER Saturday, due to shortness of breath.

Breathing treatment administered and they sent me on my way with an albuterol inhaler Rx in hand.

Appointment with PCP tomorrow as follow up.

Coarse lung sounds have me slightly concerned, but I’m figuring it’s nothing that can’t easily be cleared up.

I’m gonna live, in other words.

Much to some folks’ chagrin.


Musta Had My Head Up My Butt

‘Cause I sure didn’t know there was such dissension  amongst the ranks of gun owners about CC v/s OC.

Guess I hadn’t given it much thought because both ways of carrying are legal, CC with permit of course, here in GA.

I generally carry concealed, but the other day I carried open in Wal-Mart, a convenience store & Dairy Queen.  A couple of folks were obvious in their “noticing”, but only one of them acted really surprised.  He was a young black guy who got mighty wide-eyed at the old white lady wearing a gun. 

Why was I open carrying?  I was headed to the range.  End of story.  Stopped at Wal-Mart for more bullets & the convenience store for cigarettes.

Nobody behind the counter looked at me like I was a wild-eyed radical.

But then again, I don’t look too much the part of the wild-eyed radical.  And open carrying didn’t make me feel all bad-ass, where I struck the pose of the Macho Chick.

Nobody looked scared or scarred.  No little kids clung to their mothers.  Nobody called the cops.

Some say it might make a person a target, to openly have a gun.  Others say it might keep you from becoming a target.

Hell, I don’t know.  Doesn’t seem to make a hill of beans in these parts.

And I like it that way.

And I finally got my holster & belt ordered, so you can bet your shiny little hiney I will be carrying my Beautiful BlackHawk openly once it arrives.

‘Cause hell to the yeah, I plan to show off that beautiful new leather!

Can you hear me now?

Nope, you can’t.

Can’t talk above a squeaky whisper today and I’m not sick & haven’t been yelling at the kids.

Went to lunch late yesterday, to a good little seafood restaurant.  Food was good, finished up & needed to make a potty stop on the way out.

REALLY needed to make a potty stop…too much coffee earlier.

Anyway, walked in the bathroom and the Clorox smell slapped me hard enough to nearly knock me down.  Immediately, my eyes were watering & my throat felt like I’d swallowed rocks.

Did my business, skipped hand-washing & got the hell outta there.

An hour later, my sinuses were going berserk & the throat was feeling even worse.

This morning, I can’t talk & I’m hacking up various colors of crud.

It HURTS to breathe.

I see a chest x-ray for “the p-new-moan-ee-er” in my near future. >.<


Thank you Friday, for finally showing up

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