
It’s been an eventful day off.

I managed to set papers on my desk on fire.  Still not clear on how & what worries me most is that I didn’t notice until I realized there was way to much smoke coming from the cigarette I’d stubbed out in the ashtray. It wasn’t the cigarette.

My blood sugar tanked.  Mild shakes this time.

I spilled my drink at Zaxby’s.

Our a/c hiccuped for some reason or another, it got hot in here & I said SEVERAL ugly words.

I think I’m ready to go back to work.



NFO should have loved my last post.

It was number 1911.


What Got In My Eye?

I’m not a crier.

If I cry, you can bet on one of two things- I’m either REALLY pissed off or really, really upset.

I never cried for a patient before, but came damned close to doing so not once, but twice, this week.

# 1 was a new paraplegic.  Young guy, felt a pop in his neck, went to the hospital & was told nothing was wrong, went home & the next morning, couldn’t move anything from his chest down. 

# 2 was a fairly young guy who had no known medical history, had been healthy as a horse and suffered a massive cerebral aneurysm.

What nearly made me nearly cry about #1?  Aside from the fact that he was a really young guy, he hurt his neck moving his mom’s washing machine.  Unlike some of the cretins that WALK out of the hospital just freaking fine after committing some horrid crimes & getting hurt in the process, this guy was doing something decent…and now he’s a paraplegic.

Yeah, nobody ever said life was fair…fairs are for tourists after-all, but still.

What made me nearly cry for #2?  This dude is incredibly intelligent.  He was an engineer at a nuclear plant.  Now, he’s stripping his clothes off in bed because he can’t control himself.  I sat down & talked to him awhile and found the intelligent guy is in there, fighting like hell to get back in control. 

I don’t know if either will ever regain what they had.  I don’t know if their loved ones will be able to cope with what’s left if they don’t. 

I’d like to blame this week’s near-crying episodes on hormones, but I can’t.  Maybe I’m getting soft.  Maybe I’m just getting soft in the head at best.

Whatever the reason, I’m glad to have a 4-day weekend to hopefully recover my ol’ cynical self & recharge…