Cooler is nice

After pushing over 100* daily the last few weeks, it’s finally a touch cooler.  85* isn’t exactly jacket weather, but it beats 100*.

And I got my power bill today.

Four hundred seventy seven dollars.


o.O  It’s not like I keep it where you could hang meat in the house either.  I’ve got the thermostat on 80*.

I think I’ll sit and cry awhile.


I don’t know what I’ve done, but I’m having “chest” pains.

NO, not *those* 911 chest pains…just pain.  Both sides, right below the collar bone, but only when I move my arms.

Have thought & thought & cannot figure out anything I would have done that led to a sore muscle/something pulled feeling.

All I know is that it hurts and my doc is having a stress test, etc… tomorrow and won’t be in the office.

>.<  I think I’ll take some more Advil and a Flexeril and call it an evening.


I hate making breakfast in the mornings.  I’m all for biscuits & gravy, eggs, sausage, etc… in the evening.

But, oh how I hate cooking in the morning.

The kids know this thankfully and are willing to settle for a bowl of cereal as long as they get a big breakfast a couple of days a week.

Today was a cereal day.  David was eating Trix.

I was asking Molly what she wanted and she asked what was David eating.

I answered, “Looks like Unicorn poop.”.

It took David 5 minutes to overcome that mental image and get back to eating and of course by then, the cereal was soggy.

“Oh and Molly, it looks like the unicorn had diarrhea.”.

He gave up eating and started his chores.


Funny thing, this growing up

David has been “bored” until the realization hit him yesterday that this is his LAST free summer probably, for the rest of his life.

He’ll be 16 next summer and needing to pay me for the car & pay his own insurance & gas.  That means a job and we all know, once you start, you just can’t stop…

Poor Molly pulled out 100 pounds of Barbie dolls/houses/cars/stuff to play today.  She got everything set up and just looked at it a bit before packing it all back up.  Seems the magic is gone.

I’ve even outgrown my Sims computer games it would seem.  I get it loaded & going and find that the reading sales inserts in the paper is more exciting.

Damn this growing up!

It made me laugh

Read this in the comments after something about politics that was apparently so unimportant, that I don’t even remember what it was about.

The comment, I remembered!

How to Make Yourself Feel Better

1. Open new file on your computer
2. Name it Barrack Obama
3. Send it to the Recycle Bin
4. Empty the Recycle Bin
5. Your PC will ask “Do you really want to get rid of Barrack Obama.”
6. Firmly click “yes”
7. Feel better?
GOOD – Tomorrow we’ll do Nancy Pelosi & the day after, Harry Reid

Sniffle Sniffle

Took David to meet his date.  It was sorta a date anyway- they went to the theater together to watch the junior group of kids (one of which was her little brother).

Molly went too, but she was not on a date, but with a group of the other girls.

After it was over and we were headed home, David started telling me about her family.  He met Mom & Dad and 5 of her brothers & sisters.

FIVE.  Plus the 2 I know.  Plus the one young man who’s in Afghanistan….EIGHT kids.  O.o

So, not thinking, I say “It’s a vagina, not a clown car lady” and he nearly crawled under the car seat.  Molly half choked and said, “I think a better way of putting it would be, ‘Lady, you need to find a new hobby.'”.

We giggled the rest of the way home.

Here’s a new photo of Molly.  David changed clothes too fast for me to get a picture of him…

Quote O’ The Day

Calling an illegal alien an ‘undocumented immigrant’ is like calling a drug dealer an ‘unlicensed pharmacist’


Which parts exactly are we talking about?


Job hunting

I was told this would be the perfect time to put in job applications, so I’ve passed out enough resumes to paper a good sized wall.

I’m wearing the white scrub outfit- starched, ironed & creased to kill.  Shoes are polished.  Hair is neat, jewelry tasteful.

I had an on-the-spot interview yesterday, as I was told my look “exuded an air of professionalism”.

Anyway, I’ve seriously applied at 2 hospitals and (gack) several nursing homes.  The place that I had the impromptu interview was actually pretty nice.  It didn’t smell, it was clean and there weren’t rows & rows of wheel-chair bound folk lined up in the halls moaning.  They even gave me a quick tour.  It’s 17 minutes from the house and I hear the pay is pretty good too.

We’ll see.


Pardon me, but

While I understand the concept of “Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug”, I’d really appreciate it if the joker with the can of Raid! would put it down and leave me alone. >.<

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