Day 2 and all’s actually well!

Finished up performances #2 & 3 tonight.

And surprisingly it finished well.

A few well spoken words, and the co-star laid off the beer!

Amazing how much more talented someone is when they’re not drunk!

Tonight was a truly amazing night.  Fantastic crowd- very lively.  The “jokes” throughout the played rolled out well, the audience responded wonderfully.  If every show was like tonight’s, I’d give up nursing and go into acting.

On second thought, I think I’ll stay a nurse.

I mean, I cannot insert catheters on stage.

Y’all have a great Sunday.  We’ve got the matinee, then we’re through long enough for me to study for Tuesday’s final.


The more I think about it

the pissier I get.

If you need to find your courage (for ANYTHING) in a bottle, you have a problem.

If you have to pop a top on a can of beer to complete a job, you have a problem.

If at every social occasion, you have to have booze to be “personable”, you have a problem.

And if you involve me in something, then want to critique my SOBER performance while you’re having tantrums with your props that don’t want to cooperate with your drunkenness, you have a problem.

I understand enjoying the taste of an alcoholic beverage.  Honest, I do.  I enjoyed a shot of bourbon in my egg nog the other day.  However, I didn’t *need* that shot to make me interesting, to give me courage or to prove I was a grown up.

Frankly, I don’t care who this pisses off.  If you’re the type that has to swill booze to get through life, you’ve got a fracking problem and frankly, I’m tired of dealing with that problem in those I’m around.

Nobody is cute, dashing, entertaining, darling, more enlightened, or anything else positive when they’re drunk.

You’re just a sad, pathetic, sniveling little shit.

Grow up.

1 down, 6 shows to go

I’m beat.

Tonight’s show was a supposed success, but I’m less than stellarly pleased.  Too many important lines got dropped/skipped/whatever-ed for my satisfaction.

I swear, I think beer before & during performances should be illegal.  By the end of the thing, the other guy was scrambling scenes so much, it wasn’t funny.  He should be double damned glad that I don’t drink or the last scene wouldn’t have made *any* sense.

I wonder if he could perform with a beer can up his butt?
