Watch Out World

Let’s see…

He didn’t get his license right after his birthday due to the holidays and the fact that he couldn’t get his “attendance report” from the school until after January 5th.

Tightwad wouldn’t pay for said attendance report until the middle of January.

I couldn’t get him to the Dept of Drivers’ Services until this past Tuesday.

And this past Tuesday he suffered from significant brain freeze and missed 5 questions when the maximum number he could miss was 4.

So, today I picked him up from school & he made another attempt…

and aced the test.

Therefore, I feel it’s my civic duty to inform all those of the world that he now has his license and everyone better watch out.


Oh, and as an aside, WordPress apparently thinks my reading audience isn’t intelligent enough to understand the words maximum & inform.  It suggested most & tell instead, as maximum & inform are “complex” words.  For the love of Pete.  Sheesh.