No drugs or bullets

Had a nice little old lady and a combative, confused seizure patient.  The teach was sorta ticked that they were using restraints on a seizure patient, but after she’d kicked the ever living shit out of a male nurse, snatched her IV out twice and did various and sundry things to both herself & several other hospital personnel, I think it was necessary.  Amazing the amount of strength a 70 some odd year old who’s had strokes previously has.

I got sorta tickled at her.  This is the south and they had the nerve to serve her unsweetened iced tea.  She said it tasted like something you’d dip out of the swamp.  She never offered to rail out at me (I undid both restraints while I gave her a bath & did my assessment) and she was never verbally abusive either.  Whether it was how I was dealing with her or just that she’d worn herself out, I really don’t know.  She didn’t even act up when I had to draw blood…

It was nice to have a calm, quiet day.

Finished up my last weekly care plan, my OTC drug analysis and a write up about Monday.  Two  tests this week, a clinical day at an Adult Daycare center & two tests next week and you can stick a fork in me and call me [basically] done.

After that, the last week will consist of a tour of a medical prison (not looking forward to that one and will tell you why at a later date), 2 ATI exams (pharmacology & Med/Surg 2) and the final.

I’m living for June 14th & you better believe that.


4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Linda
    May 26, 2010 @ 08:47:02

    Wow, you’ve almost made it to the finish line….or the beginning whichever way you want to look at it! Good luck on the finals!

  2. Crucis
    May 26, 2010 @ 11:03:51

    Ya know, it’s amazing how cooperative folks become if you just listen to them and treat them as a person. A few years ago the mother of a friend was in hospice. She knew it but was able to get around reasonably until the last week or so. She wanted to stay at home as long as she could. She wanted to tend to her garden, play with her grandkids and just live life.

    She had a hospice care nurse who shoulda been charged for criminal assault. The hospice nurse wanted to keep her drugged up so she’d be less work. When the old lady refused to take the sedatives, the nurse threatened to put her in a nursing home. The old lady decked her. Cops were called and all that. The family stood up from grandma and the cops just gave her a ticket (not sure what was the charge now) and a $25 fine.

    The docs originally gave grandma four months. Instead, she lasted almost two years, saw her oldest grandson married, saw her daughter get her CPA, saw oldest grand-daughter finish high-school.

    She was nice to those who were nice to her. But, if someone tried to boss her or cross her, look out!

  3. Rick
    May 26, 2010 @ 17:35:17

    It was your smile that helped.

  4. Old NFO
    May 26, 2010 @ 22:00:57

    Well, you DO have the personality to deal with folks in a positive manner 🙂